Microsoft Rewards
Microsoft Rewards is a free program that lets you earn points for doing normal things. You’ll get points when you search on or buy something from the Microsoft Store online or in Windows 10. Check out the page about rewards. Every day, we add new ways to make money.
You don’t have to promise or pay anything to use Microsoft Rewards. It’s part of your Microsoft account, so you must sign up, stay signed in, and go.
You’ll have more chances to win great prizes as you earn more points. We make it easy for you to keep track of your progress toward anything you want, like gift cards, sweepstakes, and charitable donations.
If you used to be a member of Bing Rewards, keep going! Your account automatically switched to Microsoft Rewards. You can find out what’s new at Have fun!
Note: In some countries or regions, you might not get points for searching on or buying things from the Microsoft Store on Xbox.
Getting started with Microsoft Rewards
To start getting rewards from Microsoft, All you need is a Microsoft account. It lets you use just one sign-in to connect to everything Microsoft.
Sign up right now at Microsoft Rewards. Click “Sign up for free” And then follow the steps to make a Microsoft account.
If you already have an account with Microsoft, that’s great! (Still, trying to figure it out? You probably have a Microsoft account If you’ve ever played Xbox, used Skype, or have an email account with Hotmail or Outlook.
Your account comes with a free Rewards program. Sign in, go to the Rewards page, and start looking around—people who have used Bing Rewards before know the same thing.
Your points went with your account when It was automatically switched to Microsoft Rewards.
How to earn Microsoft Rewards points
Microsoft Rewards points are easy to get and can be used to buy great things like gift cards, movies, games, donations to good causes, And more.
Keep your Microsoft account logged in, And you’ll get points for doing things you already do. You can earn Microsoft Rewards points in the following ways:
- Use Bing to find things (level up faster by searching with Bing on Microsoft Edge).
- Use the search box on your Windows 10 device’s taskbar to look for things on the web.
- You can use your phone, Xbox One, the Microsoft Store app on your Windows 10/11 or Windows 8.1 device, or the web to buy things from Microsoft Store online. Find out more at Shop And earn Microsoft Rewards points.
- You can do a Bing search with Cortana.
- Check out the “Earn” page And the “Points” page. There are new ways to earn points daily, like quizzes And trivia games, so come back often!
- On Xbox One, you can play certain games or do certain quests. Open the Rewards app as a first step. For more information, see Earn rewards on Xbox.
Set Bing as your default search engine and use the Bing app or the Microsoft Launcher for Android app to search with Bing on your phone or tablet to earn points. Get even more points by using the Microsoft Edge app. (Not everywhere has access to all ways to get mobile rewards.)
Microsoft Rewards points can’t be turned into cash. Most of the time, you need about 5,000 points to buy something that costs $5.
They will stay active if you do something to earn Microsoft Rewards points for 18 months.
Note: In some countries or regions, buying things from the Microsoft Store on Xbox may not give you points.
*Different countries and areas have different daily limits and rules.
See how many Microsoft Rewards points you have
On and, look next to your account name to see how many Microsoft Rewards points you have. Ensure your Microsoft account is signed in if you don’t see it.
You can also learn more about your points if you recently bought something at the Microsoft Store, either in person or online. Sign in to your Microsoft account and then go shopping. Remember that they will stay active if you earn or spend Microsoft Rewards points in 18 months.
About Microsoft Rewards status levels
Microsoft Rewards has two levels of status: Level 1 and Level 2. The only way to stay at Level 2 is to get 500 Microsoft Rewards points monthly. How you earn points doesn’t matter; they all count toward your status.
At Level 2, members can earn five times as many points on, save up to 10% on Microsoft products and services rewards, and get access to special offers. Check to see if there are any new offers on your Rewards page.
How to redeem Microsoft Rewards points
Microsoft has many rewards, such as movies, apps, sweepstakes, etc. When you have enough points to get what you want, all of the rewards eligible to be redeemed will be lit up on your Rewards page. Just click Redeem and do what it says. Visit the Redeem page whenever you want to spend money.
You can save for a big item or spend your points on smaller rewards. However you want to use your points, we’re here for you. We’ll track how far along you are with your points, so you can keep earning and spending without having to count on your fingers.
Note: If you’re here because you haven’t received a Reward you redeemed, don’t hesitate to contact Microsoft Rewards support.
Microsoft Rewards refund and exchange policy
Depending on what’s going on, points may be given back. Once you order A Reward, you can’t change your mind or send it back to get your points back. If You have a question about an order, you can contact Microsoft Rewards Support.
Track my Microsoft Rewards orders
If you want to keep track of your Microsoft Rewards order after you’ve redeemed an award, go to the Microsoft Rewards page, sign in with your Microsoft account, click Redeem, And then click Order History. On the Order History page, look under Status to find your order.
You can also track your order by using the confirmation email sent to the main email address on your Microsoft account. On the Order History page, you can click Resend to get another confirmation email if you didn’t Get the first one. If you want to change that email address, go to Change my Microsoft Rewards primary email.
So many places to earn Microsoft Rewards
Shop at Microsoft Store
Earn points with Microsoft Store online purchases like movies, laptops, and more
Browse on Microsoft Edge
Earn points by searching with Microsoft Bing in the Microsoft Edge browser
Play on Xbox
Earn points for playing some of your favorite games and more with the Rewards app on Xbox
Search in Windows
Earn points when you start your Microsoft Bing search in the Windows Search Box.
In Conclusion – Microsoft Rewards
This is all about Microsoft Rewards. I told you how to get Microsoft Rewards and everything you need to know about it up there. Find out more at Microsoft Rewards.